Putu Apoleagbo

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Education Project

The Education System in Putu has long faced significant challenges, including a shortage of teachers and a lack of basic classroom supplies. To address these needs, the Education Committee, led by Charles Jilo, has implemented a project that supports schools across the region by donating essential items such as armchairs, notebooks, and pencils, ensuring students have the basic tools to succeed.

In addition to providing supplies, The Committee has taken an active role in training teachers. Since 2019, the Education Committee has recruited local volunteers who are passionate about teaching. These volunteers, the unsung heroes of our project, are sent to the Wabo Rural Teacher Training Institute (WRTTI), where they complete nine months of training, equipping them with the skills needed to make a positive impact in the classroom.

After completing their training, they return to Putu, where they are placed in schools throughout the area to help meet the demand for quality educators. Currently , four dedicated volunteers are undergoing training at WRTTI, preparing to join their peers in this ongoing mission to uplift the Putu school system. This project, a vital step toward educational improvement, reflects Putu Apoleagbo’s strong commitment to a brighter future for Putu’s students.

Education Awareness Campaign 2024

In the summer of 2024, Putu Apoleagbo launched an impactful education awareness campaign to address low enrollment in the Putu school system. The initiative goes beyond distributing school materials, focusing on engaging parents, teachers, students, and community leaders in meaningful discussions about the importance of education.

The campaign aimed to inspire a collective effort to improve school attendance and ensure that every child in Putu has access to quality education.